• 地址
  • 菲亚塔伊Samsennai普拉迪帕特路17号索伊普拉迪帕特15号
  • 10160曼谷
  • 泰国
  • ECF会员
  • 联系人
  • 地区的活动
  • 成员数目


  • 国家
  • 成立于





Examples of activities up till now include street campaign demanding rights of cycle users, petition letters to government agencies, political parties and international organizations (e.g. UNFCCC), ‘Bicycle Recycling Project’ of which TCC asked for donations of, and repaired, used bicycles to be given to poor children in rural areas to ride to school, cycling trips to raise funds for social welfare and environment conservation activities, and to promote cycle ecotourism, supporting local government and groups to build ‘Cycling Community’, supporting schools to develop cycling promotion activities including ‘Bike To School’ scheme, supporting networks of pedestrians and cycle users groups at provincial and national levels, research on factors that support or hinder cycling in daily life and on universal design of pedestrian ways for all, design contest on ‘cycle support system’ and photo contest on ‘desirable pedestrian ways’, advocating walking and cycling in national bodies and master plans (e.g. National Health Assembly, Master Plan on Sustainable Transport, and Master Plan on Climate Change), and website, social media and publications to promote walking and cycling.