
Velo-City 2022卢布尔雅那– the annual world cycling summit opens in the capital of Slovenia. The theme of the 2022 edition of Velo-city is "cycling the change".


Belgian transport minister, Georges Gilkinet, announced the signage of the cycling declaration to an audience of hundreds during a pre-recorded speech during th...Led by Belgium, six EU countries signed a “European Bicycle Declaration” on World Bicycle Day 2022, calling on the European Commission to develop a “proper action plan at...

10Jun, 2022

全体会议第3届“实施突破性决定的政治勇气”将使班加·卢卡(Banja Luka),杜布罗夫尼克(Dubrovnik),卢布尔雅那(Ljubljana),诺维·萨德(Novi Sad)和萨尔(SAR)的市长团结在一起,五个巴尔干国家的市长将在斯洛文尼亚首都召集他们的经验,以分享他们的经验促进其城市的骑自行车和促进行为改变。

09 Jun, 2022

In recent years the city has undertaken many measures to make the city more bike-friendly and sustainable. As part of this continued effort, the city will host...People say Ljubljana is a hidden gem of Europe. It is a vibrant city that combines architecturally impressive historical buildings with wide green spaces. It should come...


F3 Cycle Highway与布鲁塞尔相连,在2006年作为铁路升级的一部分建造之后。但是,由于自行车高速公路并不是一部分...最近开放的F3 Cycle Highway的部分成本创纪录了3250万欧元,价格为价格,价格为325万欧元标签这一点明确指出了为什么需要从...




On 3 June, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) will host a free webinar featuring numerous cycling and sustainable mobility advocates from around the world...ECF outlines how the bicycle can shape our future for the better, as we count down to World Bicycle Day 2022. Want to find out more? Don’t forget to register for our free...


Over a decade ago, the City of Ljubljana decided to prioritise pedestrians and cyclists over motorised traffic, winning multiple awards and the bid to host Velo...We take a look at how cycling has helped make the Slovenian capital one of Europe's most liveable cities. Host city for Velo-city 2022, Ljubljana is a must-go for all bic...

25 May, 2022

乌克兰的战争极大地强调了欧洲对化石燃料进口的依赖,并将燃油价格推向了十年来最高水平。在recc ...

25 May, 2022

跨国市场研究公司IPSOS进行的一项新的全球调查是在即将到来的联合国世界自行车日之际进行的。, but most prefer to cycle where they feel it’s safe.

25 May, 2022

由于其面向汽车的设计,鹿特丹并不是典型的荷兰自行车城。但是,自2000年代初以来,已经进行了过渡,鹿特丹是ALR ... ECF欢迎鹿特丹市到骑自行车的城市和地区(CRC),该网络将本地和地区政府积极促进...


长期以来的迷信是,不应与高速公路一起建造自行车道。但是,敢于思考D ... ECF使用F203 Cycle Highway的案例研究的管理经验证明了在高速公路旁边建造自行车道的优势,同时也突出了BE ...

