

Cyclists in Vienna

维也纳,维也纳。欧洲最具活力的城市空间之一很难印象深刻。不久,世界可能会惊讶于其自行车文化。在2012年温哥华的Velo-City期间,ECF花了一些时间与维也纳副市长玛丽亚·瓦西拉库(Maria Vassilakou)聊天。

玛丽亚·瓦西拉考(Maria Vassilakou)is a wonder woman. With a delayed plane on route to Vancouver, she still managed to make it on a stage with a smile and enthusiasm. No wonder she's making huge changes in the Austrian Capital.

When you talk about cycling in Austria, Vienna does not wear the crown. That probably goes to Salzburg or Graz. But there’s little doubt that cycling is on the up. In 2005 the city saw 3% of all trips made by bicycle. By 2009, trips had double and by 2015, the city wants to have 10% of all trips by bike.


维也纳副市长,自称自行车上瘾者玛丽亚·瓦西拉库(Maria Vassilakou)解释说:“我们发现您必须做两件事以增加自行车。”

“First of all you’ve got to improve your infrastructure. This is why we’re investing right now…to improve our infrastructure”



Vienna's bike share system

“第二重要的是晋升。我们正在维也纳的特殊活动来做到这一点。Velo-City 2013将是一个巨大的帮助。”

The city won the bid to host the Velo-city conference in Vienna, and has dedicated 2013 as the year of the bicycle. City planners, including Vassilakou are predicting a huge boom in bicycle use when the conference is held next year and they’ll be running a whole series of promotional campaigns which aims to get the city cycling.



But at the moment, the biggest thorn in Vienna’s transport policy is commuters coming from outside of Vienna. The cities roads are often clogged by numberplates from neighbouring towns.

玛丽亚·瓦西拉考(Maria Vassilakou)

玛丽亚·瓦西拉考(Maria Vassilakou)is the Vice-mayor of Vienna and is one of the rare politicians that “gets” cycling. She doesn’t just pay talk about cycling, but she carefully plans strategies that get more people on bikes. She spoke at a keynote session at Velo-city Vancouver 2012, and her city has won the bid to host next year’s Velo-city 2013 conference.


She also plans to put in place a comprehensive bicycle parking program for the city. And despite the commuter problem, you can’t help but sense the energy and passion of this Vice-Mayor. She believes wholeheartedly that her city is going to cycle.


Go Vienna… ECF is right behind you!


ECF is reporting this story live fom the world’s largest cycling policy in Vancouver, Canada where nearly 1,000 of the cycling world’s best and brightest have gathered for four days to talk cycling. You can read more stories from our Velo-city live page and tweet #velocity2012 to join in the conversation.

About the Author

朱利安·弗格森(Julian Ferguson)is the Communications Officer for the European Cyclists’ Federation. Originally hailing from Australia and a keen bicycle advocate, he plans one day to ride his bicycle from Brussels to Melbourne


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