Belgium adopts its first federal action plan for cycling promotion

29 Sep, 2021
The cycling action plan, which goes by the name “BE CYCLIST,” lists 52 action points that Belgium’s federal government will implement by 2024. This first-ever federal Belgian cycling plan was welcomed by ECF Members Fietsersbond and Gracq.

On 24 September 2021, the Belgian federal government adopted a first-of-its-kind federal action plan for the promotion of cycling:BE CYCLIST.The plan, which aims to help as many Belgians as possible to jump on their bikes, comprises a total of 52 small and large measurable measures.

The main focus is on topics where the federal level has retained competence, particularly in creating a more bike-friendlyfiscal environment, improving thebicycle friendliness of the national railway companyNMBS/SNCB andfighting bike theft.

“The actions are in line with the objectives of the coalition agreement for modal shift and to convince more people to opt for active and environmentally friendly modes of transport,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Minister for MobilityGeorges Gilkinet.


With a tax exemption of 24 cent per kilometre for employees commuting by bicycle to work, Belgium already has one of the most relevant bike-friendly fiscal measures in place in Europe. According to official data,571,000 employeesare entitled to a bicycle allowance.

While the current allowance is an optional benefit that employers can allocate to their employees, the government now wants to investigate the possibilities “to extend the allowance to all organisations.” This can be interpreted as a first possible step to make it mandatory for all or certain employers.

The government also wants to give extra support to company initiatives that make commuting more sustainable.


The Belgian railways NMBS/SNCB scored among the top-three performers inECF’s 2021 reporton the bike friendliness of European rail companies. A bicycle-train strategy is now looking at how the rail company can become even more bike friendly with a specific focus on “first-mile” or “last-mile” journeys, for example by increasing collaborations with shared bicycle operators such as Blue-bike.

The federal government will also be facilitating investments in building new cycle highways along railway lines throughout the country or in Brussels.

Bicycle theft

The federal government also wants to make “a fist against bicycle theft.” A main tool here will be the setting up of a central register that is meant to stop the resale of stolen bicycles. The current problem of impunity regarding bicycle theft is also meant to be addressed.

The 52-point action list also includes measures such as a reform of the highway code, social projects around federal immigration centres and information about consumer rights when buying a bicycle. All relevant federal ministries are engaged in the delivery of the action plan.

The plan runs from 2021 to 2024 (the end of the current administration’s term), has measurable objectives and will be evaluated annually in September by a Federal Bicycle Committee, to which ECF member’s Fietsersbond and Gracq will adhere.

Both organisations strongly welcomed the publication of the first federal bicycle action plan as an indispensable measure to complement action by the regions of Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels Capital Region.

Further info:The first federal bicycle action plan “BE CYCLIST,” inFrenchandDutch. Reactions issued byGracqandFietsersbond.


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Fabian Küster's picture
Director - Advocacy and EU Affairs

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