

双赢 - 这是对增长倡议的骑自行车的目标。它汇集了宣传促进更多骑自行车,倡导倡导欧洲自行车制造业。


As part of the Cycling for Growth Initiative Phillip Darnton (Director of Bicycle Association of GB (a CONEBI member), Kevin Mayne (Director of ECF’s Cycling Industry Club) and Nicolas Urien (Director of Cycling for Growth Initiative) were recently invited to visit the Brompton factory in London to meet Will Butler-Adams.


Although the Brompton bike was first created by Andrew Ritchie in 1976, mass-production only started 10 years later at the Brentford Arches, moving to its current factory at Kew Bridge in 1998. Will Butler-Adams became Managing Director in 2008, since when Brompton’s turnover has exploded from £1.7m to £30m (2015) and the company now employs 230 people ( up from 25 in 2002). This success story is the direct result of a long-term market expansion strategy, underpinned by a constant and obsessive commitment to high quality production standards.


William Butler-Adams在这些条款下解释了Brompton独特的企业愿景:“Brompton不是自行车公司。相反,它提供了灵活的运输解决方案,以解决21世纪的巨大城市行动挑战“。据他介绍,全世界城市人口密度的迅速增加将原则上需要这项大量的运输基础设施投资,并因此的大规模债务水平,这对未来的国家政府无法可持续。这是折叠自行车可以的地方,并且会发挥重要作用。

为此,作为解决这一挑战的创新策略的一部分,Brompton介绍了一项完全新颖的循环租赁计划(“Brompton Bike Hire”)。这提供了员工雇用并将自行车上下码头码头返回自行车的可能性全国,每周24小时,每周七天,没有限制租金 - 以非常经济的速度(每天250英镑)。继伦敦滑铁卢的成功试用后,第一届雇用计划于2011年在Guildford火车站推出。“我们对伦敦的流动有了直接影响”巴特勒 - 亚当斯说。Brompton Bike Hire现在正在英国迅速扩展,其中40个对接站的互连网络。此外,Brompton码头的资本和安装成本低于传统自行车租赁计划的十分之一。

Brompton 2.



Brompton defy the general assumption that all the bikes sold in the UK are made overseas. Every 3:30 minutes a new Brompton bicycle leaves the production line in Kew; and every one is hand-made in England, including the frame.

15人的研发团队,公司是缺点tantly seeking to improve the quality of the 1,200 parts which make up one folding bike, and to explore the use of new materials, such as titanium. “What we sell to our consumers is honesty and integrity” says Butler-Adams. “We are working non-stop, obsessed both about our bike and about our customers”. He firmly believes that this approach is the ‘glue’ that will ensure the success of the European cycle industry. “I am convinced that there is an opportunity for Europe to make the difference by selling brands of high integrity, based on innovation. Real innovation and sophisticated manufacturing techniques drive real performance – and our industry can do this every bit as well as the most advanced automobile companies”.

Brompton 3.


An export champion


Brompton 4.


To meet continued accelerating demand, Brompton plans to double its U.K. production by 2021. To achieve such an objective, Brompton will move its production to an 86,000 sq ft plant in Greenford, West London, which is nearly twice the size of its current base in Brentford. The move to Greenford is scheduled for the spring of 2016.

Will Butler-Adams是否坚持认为,携手共同创新的适当循环基础设施的发展是实现这种增长的关键。毫无疑问,Brompton在其坚定的课程上良好地销售伦敦制造的越来越多的自行车,并以自己独特的方式解决未来城市移动性挑战的贡献。


Cycling Industry Club(CIC)和Conebi最近启动了增长倡议的骑自行车,以将骑自行车行业的影响扩展为欧盟级别的公认的声音。新项目总监Nicolas Urien已被任命为代表两个组织领导该项目。循环增长倡议的主要目标是展示骑自行车行业如何在欧盟内提供增长,并在循环和电子循环上创造在欧洲公共支出中解锁资金的条件。





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