
14 Sep, 2015

PRESS RELEASE - For immediate release Brussels, 14/09/2015

This morningUITP(International Association of Public Transport) andECF(欧洲骑自行车的联合会)见面是签署第一个理解备忘录在两个结构之间。该协议将使两者在政策举措方面更加紧密地工作,以加强可持续城市运输的声音。ECF和UITP已经合作了几年,两个成员Slocat合作伙伴关系(Sustainable Low Carbon Transport) and ECF being part of theUITP Combined Mobility Platform, and decided to take the relationship a step further. Both organisations will work closer together to achieve more sustainable and active mobility in Europe and support each other’s missions to “双骑自行车“ 和 ”Double Public Transport”. For Europe, this would mean 15% of all trips to be cycled and doubling the modal share of public transport by 2025, which would result in more liveable and performing cities, contribute to green growth, and fight against climate change. Both parties see the benefits of an enhanced partnership to establish a stronger lobby position when talking to the欧洲机构或者United NationsBernhard Ensink, Secretary General ECF: “It is an important year to work together on the COP 21 and create impact in the process of the Sustainable Development Goals.”Alain Flausch, Secretary General UITP: “Signing this Memorandum to kick off the European Mobility Week 2015 marks a timely occasion to further strengthen ties between the public transport and cycling communities united to call for more sustainable mobility choices worldwide.” The signature today starts a more intensive collaboration process for the development of policy messages on economic benefits of sustainable mobility, public health, transport policy, and urban mobility data collection.

- 端 -Notes to the editor:Illustrations and photos of the official signature available here:https://www.flickr.com/photos/eucyclistsfed/sets/72157658451160002About the European Cyclists’ Federation:With over 80 members across more than 40 countries, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) unites cyclists’ associations from across the globe, giving them a voice on the international level. Our aim is to get more people cycling more often by influencing policy in favour of cycling. www.28gouwan.com @EuCyclistsFed国际公共交通协会(UITP) is a passionate champion of sustainable urban mobility and is the only worldwide network to bring together all public transport stakeholders and all sustainable transport modes. We have 1,400 member companies giving access to 16,000 contacts from 96 countries. Our members are public transport authorities and operators, policy decision-makers, research institutes and the public transport supply and service industry. Visit our websitewww.uitp.org。在推特上关注我们:@uitppressofficeECFMedia Contacts:ECF Communications高级官员Maria Gaton+32 (0)2 8809 274


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