
09 Dec, 2021

The Council of the EU has reached an agreement on updated rules for VAT rates that will benefit consumers all over the EU. Member states will now be able to apply reduced VAT rates on both conventional bicycles and e-bikes.

On 7 December, the Council of the EU reached anagreement关于增值税率的最新规则。根据新规定,成员国将能够在包括电子自行车在内的自行车的供应,租金和维修上将增值税率降低。欧洲骑自行车的人联合会(ECF),欧洲自行车行业(Conebi)和欧洲自行车行业(CIE)欢迎此步骤,该步骤有可能使自行车和电子自行车更实惠。对于欧洲各地的消费者,并进一步增加了欧洲自行车繁荣。


委员会发布提案后,ECF和Conebi开始了共同倡导电子自行车的倡导工作,还将纳入欧盟成员国可以将降低的增值税利率应用的商品清单中纳入。这项工作包括joint position paperand numerous meetings with Commission and member state officials to create awareness of the benefits of e-bikes for society, the environment and the cycling economy as a whole.

In the meantime, individual EU member states例如比利时passed legislation to establish reduced VAT rates on all types of bicycles as soon as the EU’s VAT framework would allow for it, and supported the bicycle sector’s demands at the European level.

All these efforts have now borne fruit: In the general approach of the Council on a revision of theEU VAT rates directive,成员国的政府已同意在可以应用降低的增值税利率的商品清单中增加供应,租金和维修,并明确包括电子自行车。

According to the special legislative procedure, once the European Parliament has issued its non-binding opinion on the proposal, the Council will formally adopt the directive. It will then be possible for member states to implement VAT reductions on bicycles and e-bikes.

Jill Warren, CEO of the European Cyclists’ Federation:“我们非常欢迎理事会关于修订欧盟增值税率的谈判的结果,这将使欧盟消费者更加实惠,并且可以访问自行车和电子自行车。将常规自行车和电动自行车都包含在有资格降低增值税率的商品列表中,这为成员国的工具箱增加了强大的工具,以促进骑自行车。现在,我们呼吁所有欧盟国家利用这种新的可能性,并应用降低的增值税利率,以使整个欧洲的消费者受益。”

Manuel Marsilio, General Manager of the Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry:“自从我们从ECF开始这项重要的倡导运动以来,已经有了很长的路要走,但是我们终于看到了切实的结果。在增值税率的改革中,这一立法决定为欧洲政府提供了一个独特的机会,以非常实用的方式支持骑自行车。现在,我们期待在所有欧盟国家看到具体的增值税,并将支持我们国家成员协会的宝贵工作。”

Kevin Mayne, CEO of Cycling Industries Europe:“这个结果再次表明了国家和欧盟一级的骑自行车部门的长期,资源良好,专业倡导的重要性。这项工作可能是缓慢且技术性高的,但影响可能是巨大的。当这项运动开始时,CIE是一个支持ECF的志愿行业俱乐部,正如我们过渡的那样,确保这些正在进行的竞选活动获得适当的资源并与同事协调是绝对的优先事项。今天,我们看到了这些伙伴关系的另一个成功,还有更多。”

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Holger Haubold的照片
Director - Intellectual Property & Data Collection


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