欧盟自行车策略: An important step forward

31 Jan, 2023


Key progress was made on the development of an EU cycling strategy with the European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism Committee (TRAN) voting to adopt a resolution on developing an EU cycling strategy on 31 January.


  • 骑自行车被认为是完整的运输方式
  • Acknowledgement of the place of cycling in the EU green transition
  • The European Commission to develop a European cycling strategy with the aim of doubling the number of kilometres cycled in Europe by 2030
  • Significantly increased investment in cycling infrastructure and reduction of VAT rates for bicycles
  • 更好地整合区域和地方当局的城市流动计划中,以及骑自行车和其他运输模式之间的更好协同作用
  • 2024 to be designated the European Year of Cycling


ECFhas long been calling for the adoption of a comprehensive European cycling strategy, together with our partners including Cycling Industries Europe and the Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry. This resolution passed by the TRAN Committee reflects many of our longstanding aims and is an important step towards unleashing cycling's enormous potential.


ECF首席执行官吉尔·沃伦(Jill Warren)欢迎通过决议草案的采用:“这是迈出了令人兴奋的一步,朝着欧盟自行车策略迈出了令人兴奋的一步,在这种策略中,骑自行车获得了应有的认可,优先和资源。

“We have long engaged with MEPs on the transformative potential of cycling and want to thank all the Members of TRAN for their support for this draft resolution. In particular, we would like to thank TRAN Committee Chair Karima Delli, and all her team, for their invaluable support in championing cycling in Europe.”

The next step will see the full house of the Parliament vote on the resolution during the plenary session in Strasbourg in February.

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Communications Manager & Press Officer


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Michael Brennan
Communications Manager & Press Officer
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