
23 Jan, 2017


Though there has been a steady reduction in the number of road fatalities over the past twenty years progress is beginning to level off, this is particularly true of cyclist fatalities. Total欧盟跨过的道路死亡人数站在每年约26,000,骑自行车的死亡人数约为2100。在欧盟,被杀和重伤的骑自行车的人数正在减少,但其速度仍然比整体死亡人数慢。尽管过去十年中的总死亡人数下降了42%,但自行车死亡人数却停滞了约25%,甚至在2014年-15%略有增加。改善车辆安全标准可能会对骑自行车的死亡和严重伤害产生巨大影响。

汽车在欧盟通过欧盟类型的批准进行了监管,这意味着制造商对所有28个国家 /地区都有一套法规,而不是整个国家 /地区的类型批准拼凑而成。类型批准中的安全标准已在一般安全和行人保护法规。当前的技术和设计示例包括安全带提醒,车辆结构完整性,车道出发警告系统,稳定性控制,高级制动系统作为主要部分the General Safety Regulations。In addition, there is also thePedestrian Protection Regulationswhich aims to protect pedestrians involved in a collision with a vehicle. It requires manufacturers to fit Brake Assist Systems into their vehicles to reduce the stopping distance and lower the speed of impact. It also requires them to make energy absorbing bonnets and front bumpers.


Main measures that could have an effect on cycling


  • 智能速度帮助


  • 骑自行车者和行人的自动紧急制动


Passive measures包括:

  • Alcohol Interlock Devices


  • head impact protection on A-pillars and front windscreen

The Pedestrian Protection Regulations are designed to protect pedestrians if in the event of a crash they are hit by the bonnet, it is assumed that it is the same for cyclists and so they are not included in the testing requirements. We commissioned AGU Zurich to look into this and they concluded that there is much evidence suggesting that cyclists do not hit cars in the same way as pedestrians. We would like to see this regulation improved to include an increased wraparound distance of cyclists which results in a larger head impact area. This would require extending the impact test zone to the upper windscreen area including A-pillars and the roof. You can see the full study这里。Much of this has been included in the report as well.

  • HGV和卡车

Again another issue that we have been working on for a long time. The report does recommend standards for direct vision for all vehicles not just cars.We have been calling for thisfor a while. Lorries need to have lower cabs, better wrap around vision and better side vision. Underrun protection is viewed as a potential life saver, but an interesting point raised in the report is that underrun protection is exempt for ‘off-road’ vehicles like construction lorries. But this is rarely necessary with most of these vehicles spending their time on-road! This exemption has been questioned in the report and is something we also support.

All in all there are some really exciting and本报告的积极举措这可能会产生重大影响,并在道路安全方面带来真正的革命。符合速度限制的车辆,通过自动停止,驾驶员的货车和清晰的视觉包裹的卡车来克服驾驶员的注意力和错误,就像骑自行车的人同时收到了所有圣诞节礼物。但是,魔鬼将属于细节,我们还有很长的路要走,直到这些车辆在路上。牵引时间将是一个很大的讨论点,HGV/Lorry Cab Design也将是一个重要的讨论点。



接触the author

Ceri Woolsgrove's picture
Policy Officer - Road Safety and Technical


Avenue des Arts, 7-8
1210 Brussels, Belgium

Phone: +32 2 329 03 80


电话:+32 485 29 87 27