Executive Summary – What’s Happening In The Bike Share World?

01 Jun, 2018

Despite all the hurdles bike sharing is facing globally - and that newspaper always duly report - it continues to be an extremely powerful and successful tool. These schemes have a proven impact on the modal share of bicycle use.

In China,无码自行车正在席卷这个国家1600万共享自行车据报道,在全国范围内流通,用户赞扬了码头自行车的轻松和低成本。同样,在欧洲,自由浮动的自行车共享方案正在成为城市景观的永久性越来越多,最近的大量增加是柏林,Zurich图卢兹。New technology too is flourishing in the sector, such as the launch of the有史以来第一个免费的浮动和自动自行车共享系统,由智能移动公司Zehus,今年早些时候登陆米兰的街头。同时在美国,甚至Uber is joining the action。出租车公司巨人just bought Jump Bikes驾驶在旧金山丘陵的码头电子自行车方案之后。


没有它的出现问题,这种增长和发展就不会出现。而且,如果我们可以确定连接所有这些摩擦的总体主题,那么这些公司中的某些公司肯定是这样的方式管理操作。Starting from the high rates of盗窃和故意破坏影响世界各地的公共自行车舰队。中国自行车共享公司一直在努力解决the mass dumping of their discarded and damaged bikes,这将留下北京和上海等城市的庞大自行车墓地,并导致该国77家自行车共享初创公司中有20多个关闭。出于类似的原因,欧洲计划已经从城市撤离,例如gobee.bike,暂停其行动的人在整个非洲大陆上,以无情的自行车破坏为由。

另一个明显的情况是所谓的Velibgate, seriously hindering operations in Paris among technical and political issues. Ironically, all the inconveniencies arisen also have an interesting and positive aspect: they have shown, once and for all,自行车共享的巨大影响可以对移动性产生。或者网络攻击拜克伦在哥本哈根遭受了苦难:所有聪明的自行车都被黑客入侵。这不仅导致了发送给所有用户的尴尬电子邮件,还导致操作中断,因为使电子自行车再次使用的唯一方法是重新启动所有1850年。无论如何,自行车共享并不是唯一引起所谓“墓地”车辆的服务 - 但肯定是最中介的:右边是one of US' huge parking lots destined to Volkswagencars that have been discarded because of the柴油


And the positive data and impact of bike sharing is clear. A year after taking its distinctive orange bikes to Singapore, Mobike reported thatthe modal share of cycling in the region doubled。这environmental impact of this shift is not insignificant, as it reduced the consumption of 300,000 litres of gasoline, which prevented the release of 700 tons of co2 emissions into the atmosphere. This promising trend has also been documented in America.2017年进行了3500万自行车共享旅行,图是一个比上一年增加25%

这se successful bike sharing schemes in the States have not only increased the number of people cycling, but they have also enabled a wider breadth of society to participate. Programs that offer income based discount for communal bike hire, such as theBetter Bike Share Partnership在费城,试图make cycling more accessibleto lower income communities, with great success. A second way in which bike sharing has proven to be a power for good, is its potential toboost local economiesData released from the financial service company MasterCard发现布鲁克林和泽西城附近的一辆自行车共享码头附近的企业报告说,该计划在该地区安装了一年后,销售增长有所增加。



在博洛尼亚正在尝试一种替代方法,这是第一次a dockless bike sharing scheme is being fundedby a public body. The Italian city’s municipality declared bike sharing to be a public service, and launched a六年项目that will deploy 2,500 shared bikes onto its streets, under the management of Mobike. These cases suggest that the success of our bike sharing schemes is in the hands of municipal governments. It is a question of political will.


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Niccolò Panozzo's picture
Director - Communications


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