爱尔兰: Destination Westport and Westport Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Mayo County Council, join CRC network



欧洲骑自行车的联合会(ECF)自豪地宣布目的地韦斯特波特韦斯特波特商会,in partnership withMayo County Council,have joined our Cities & Regions for Cyclists (CRC) network as the first ever member from Ireland.

伙伴关系支持Cycle-Friendly Clew Bayinitiative, a project led by爱尔兰自行车解决方案, the country’s National Cycle-Friendly Employer Coordinator.

该计划建立在ECF的Cycle-Friendly Employer Certification目的是通过在当地企业中培养自行车友好的文化,以鼓励Clew湾地区的周期旅游和可持续旅行。该地区的雇主和主人朝着周期友好型服务和客户交通范围内签署认证。最近开发的自行车路线将很快带有“自行车友好的主人”,该计划的网站将成为骑自行车游客的枢纽,以计划他们在克莱夫湾地区的假期。

County Mayo boasts the伟大的西部绿道– a cycling and walking greenway stretching from the town of Westport to Achill Island. Works on the Greenway opened in 2010 and a year later extensions were finished lengthening the route to 42 km, almost entirely off-road. Bike-sharing services, the Westport Bike Hire and the Clew Bay Bike Hire, already have bases placed along the route.

Future plans will extend the Greenway even further to take in more areas in the wider Westport and Clew Bay area. The格林威赢得了多个奖项到目前为止,包括欧洲卓越目的地,包括允许使用和开发土地的绿道土地所有者社区精神的奖项,以及喇嘛奖,该喇嘛奖旨在表彰和庆祝社区和议会共同努力。

“我们很高兴被邀请加入骑自行车的城市的城市和地区。”Jim Power, Administrative Officer, Mayo County Council.“We look forward to building connections with other regions and sharing ideas and solutions on how to promote cycling and sustainable travel in our region.”

“Clew Bay is a cyclist’s paradise,” saidMichael O’Boyle, CEO of Cycling Solutions Ireland. “我们很自豪,该地区已被邀请加入城市和地区的骑自行车者网络,以表彰地方政府和商业社区的承诺,使该地区对骑自行车的人欢迎。我们期待着将来能在该地区看到骑自行车的旅游业和运输蓬勃发展。”

Photo courtesy of Mayo County Council’s Tourism Department

韦斯特波特本身是梅奥县镇,被选为2012 - 2016年爱尔兰的三个首次智能旅行示范城镇之一。这涉及资金来发展镇上的步行和骑自行车的绿道,并将其转变为一个模特小镇,以突出可持续和环保旅行的优势。

550万欧元的投资中,基础设施工厂的大部分投资(在2012年至2016年之间),尤其是新的绿道,它们将住宅区与学校,工作场所和市中心联系起来。此外,已经实施了多个项目,以为骑自行车的人和行人提供更多空间:越来越多的人行道,越来越多的交叉路口,新的街道照明,自行车停车设施和储物柜。Westport Hinterland Active Travel Network策略目前正在准备,将于今年完成。

The partnership of Destination Westport, Westport Chamber of Commerce and Mayo County Council joins more than 40 cities and regions in ECF’s network bringing together local and regional administrations actively working to promote cycling as a mode of transport and leisure.

For more information on our network and how to join, visit our骑自行车者的城市和地区page

Cover photo courtesy of Mayo County Council’s Tourism Department



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玛丽亚·斯库拉拉(Maria Scandurra)'s picture
Members, Networks & Development Intern


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