吉尔·沃伦speaks to TEDx: How can bikes be the future of mobility?

15 Mar, 2022

首席执行官吉尔·沃伦(Jill Warren)成为第一位与TEDX会谈交谈的ECF工作人员,涉及布鲁塞尔(Brussels)自行车骑自行车和发展的好处,然后才表达了自行车在自己的个人生活中的重要性。


In September 2021, Jill Warren, CEO of the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), delivered an inspiring speech about her personal relationship with cycling and on the benefits and evolution of cycling in Europe, using Brussels, the de facto EU capital, as a specific example. The video is now available for all to see on theTEDX谈话YouTube频道


在布鲁塞尔,越来越多的人开始选择日常活动。但是,某些地区缺乏骑自行车基础设施会阻止每日骑自行车和潜在的骑自行车的人。在她的演讲中,沃伦(Warren)提到了更多骑自行车可能造成的批评。基于她的大部分论点“The benefits of cycling”publication, she highlighted how the positives of more cycling encompass sustainability, economic and health benefits.

Image courtesy of TEDxBrusselsSalon



“My father died of a heart attack at the age of 51, when I was a teenager,” explained Warren. “My sister had a heart attack at age 42. My mother and my sister both have type two diabetes. It is very possible that cycling for my daily mobility and recreation has kept me from the same fate.”


Warren explained that cycling instead of using a car can be a useful step in reducing our carbon footprint and preserving the environment, as it contributes to reducing both CO2 emissions and air and noise pollution.


On an individual level, cycling is an affordable and accessible mode of transportation, and globally, cycling reduces costs associated with CO2 emissions, air and noise pollution. All together, these savings add up to approximately €1.3 billion in Europe.


Watch ECF CEO Jill Warren’s TEDx Talk here.



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