
11 Mar, 2022


The European Cyclists' Federation (ECF) has最近发布了一份报告关于欧洲的国家自行车策略。该报告的标题为“欧洲国家自行车策略”,揭示了八个欧盟成员国对欧洲自行车道网络Eurovelo明确提到。

A big step forward for EuroVelo, its inclusion within these national cycing strategies highlights its importance as an essential element of the cycling infrastructure across Europe. According to Matej Zganec, ECF's Policy Intern and one of the report's authors, the role of the EuroVelo network in the national cycling strategies is critical for improving cycling conditions across the continent.


A national cycling strategy is a multi-year plan that establishes a global vision aimed at coordinating policies, objectives and actions for cycling. It sets clear interventions, instruments and precise goals for the development of cycling at the national level. In short, a national cycling strategy ideally consolidates all policies taken at national level in support of cycling, hereby sending a political signal that cycling matters and that it should therefore be supported systematically by public authorities, businesses, academia and civil society organisations.

In arecent reportECF研究了泛欧地区的47个国家,发现其中23个在某个时候采用了国家自行车战略。The most common themes found in these documents are the promotion of intermodality or legal changes to the countries’ highway codes, however, EuroVelo has been included in eight national cycling strategies, namely those of Austria, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Slovakia and Spain.

Recognising the economic benefits of cycling tourism

Cycling tourism contributes more than €44 billion to the European economy every year! A study commissioned by the European Parliament estimates that the EuroVelo network itself, once finished, will generate€7 billionof direct revenue each year. This enormous potential is slowly but surely being recognised by national governments.

主要重点拉脱维亚n national cycling strategy是为了充分利用自行车旅游必须提供的经济机会。实际上,该策略的既定目标是将拉脱维亚总旅游总价的20%与骑自行车联系起来。大部分努力是在开发欧洲赛车10(波罗的海周期路线和Eurovelo 13)的沿海沿海路线上所做的大部分努力 - 铁幕踪迹以及国家“绿色方式”骑自行车路线。此外,州一级应通过其促销和营销工具更普遍地促进欧洲赛车路线和骑自行车旅游。

The German strategy,将骑自行车的旅游业视为农村和结构薄弱地区区域经济发展的重要组成部分。为了实现其越来越多的德国公民骑自行车休闲以及更多外国自行车手在国内自行车路线上的目标,该战略旨在升级和扩大Eurovelo网络的德国部分。

In its own国家自行车战略, Spain recognises that the local EuroVelo routes are clearly lagging behind other national and regional cycling routes in the country, such as the high quality “Caminos Naturales” and “Vias Verdes”, as well as neighbouring countries’ EuroVelo infrastructure. For this reason, one of the strategy’s “Blocks” is dedicated to the design, planning and development of a general network of multilevel cycling routes. These would create and interlink local, regional, state and European (EuroVelo) routes. Subsequently, public administration bodies should carry out an informative role based on a clear strategy to promote EuroVelo routes. Such action is expected to result in a considerable boost to cycling tourism in Spain.

Hungaryset as its goal the development of 700 km new national/European cycling routes and their maintenance. The main beneficiaries are local EuroVelo routes in addition to the Budapest-Balaton route and the Balaton Cycle loop – pearls of Hungarian tourism and part of EuroVelo 14 – Waters of Central Europe. Ensuring more safety, convenience and attractiveness of the routes are top priorities stated in the Strategy.

More promotion through digitalisation

In some instances, countries have gone the extra mile to ensure better promotion of their EuroVelo routes by utilizing digital tools.奥地利国家自行车战略plans to integrate EuroVelo 13 – Iron Curtain Trail into the popular online route planer “Alpstein”.

At the same time,the Czech strategyintends to leverage analytical data to better incorporate its cycling routes into the urban and landscape planning documents. Ultimately, the Strategy outlines a more ambitious marketing plan in order to boost the awareness of the four EuroVelo routes that span through the Czech Republic. By adding national coordinators on top of existing voluntary associations and by introducing a unified Cyclobarometer, which would track cyclists’ figures and movement patterns along the routes, EuroVelo segments will be able to benefit from more complex marketing.

Standardised signalisation and delineation of competences


Euroveloadvocacy and other approaches

One very positive and extremely relevant addition to the content of national cycling strategies comes from Czechia. This strategy openly advocates for the integration of EuroVelo cycling routes into the TEN-T network. It is exactlyECF’s view将Eurovelo整合到TEN-T中将发布欧洲财政资源,以实施Eurovelo网络的缺失部分,并直接有助于实现10-T目标。目前,捷克岛欧洲赛车路线进一步发展的主要威慑力量是市政当局对骑自行车基础设施的资格的资格。这样的案件强调了这种决定的重要性和紧迫性。

总之,我们根据丹麦国家自行车策略强调了良好自行车网络的六个概述特征之一。据了解,骑自行车路线需要在构成自然骑自行车停止的地方开始和结束 - 交通中心,服务设施和经验的可能性。这就是为什么该策略优先考虑将所有国家自行车路线与Eurovelo网络相互联系的原因,这是自然交通中心的一个很好的例子。在丹麦,就像欧洲其他地方一样,Eurovelo路线充当了不断增长的国家,地区和地方自行车路线网络的骨干。

You can download the reporthere.

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