

欧盟委员会一直致力于提出更新其的建议10岁关于道路基础设施安全管理的法规(Rism)and ECF has been pushing hard to make sure cyclists get a look in. Next week theTRAN委员会欧洲议会将在考虑这个问题,因此看看应该看看ECF的思考是相关的。

最后五月ECF had some success!委员会发表了一份关于几个提案重点改进我们的文章在这里)但那不是故事的结束,因为新的提案意味着需要骑自行车的人(as well as pedestrians and motorcyclists)must be taken into account在实施道路安全程序,it does not say HOW this is to be done。We need to know exactly how cyclists will be ‘taken into account’ when member states come to building infrastructure, lest this phrase have影响更少比立即建议。

Unfortunately, many existing projects clearly demonstrate a lack of necessary knowledge about cycling infrastructure among many Member States. The ECF therefore希望立法进一步进一步并通过包括在内解决这个难题循环基础设施的最低质量标准那obligatory for all roads falling under the scope of the directive.


信息和数据is the other topic that could do with further improvement in the proposal. Notably it is important that收集数据不仅仅是关于沿着道路的循环流量,还要关于循环交通交叉时them, and whether when projects are constructed with no bicycle facilities there are alternative routes available for cyclists.


这proposal should also be accompanied by道路安全审计师培训和认证的重大变化。罗义指令的以前的实际实施是专注于防止高速公路和高速道路的事故different expertise评估骑自行车基础设施时是必需的。这是特别相关的,作为指令进一步的最积极的方式之一,它是前任的扩大指令的范围涵盖所有高速公路,主要道路和欧盟资助的农村道路。不出所料,后两种类别会造成一个高度不同的风险对于弱势道路使用者而不是你的平均四道车道!如果欧盟可以去one step more,新的rism指令可能是值得学习的10年and advancement since its predecessor.

详细比较现行立法,欧盟委员会的提案andECF’s suggested improvements, 检查ECF Position Paper on the Proposed Directive On Road Infrastructure Safety Management。OnWednesday, 21 November 2018那the Committee on Transport and Tourism of the European Parliament will consider various amendments to the European Commission’s proposal (draft reportother amendments), 包括ECF提出的改进



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实习生 - 政策

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