
您准备好与我们一起过渡吗?现在是您参与Velo-City 2023 Leipzig并分享您的最佳实践,专业知识,数据,在...呼吁Velo-City 2023莱比锡的摘要呼吁现已开放到2022年11月3日。,研究人员和大学分享他们的专业知识...


PATH is a new global coalition calling on governments and cities to make a real commitment to walking and cycling as a key solution to the climate, health and equity chal...

26Oct, 2022

Join the Cycling Embassy of Denmark's next Bikeable City Masterclass in Copenhagen May 22-26, 2023 and learn cycle promotion the Danish way. Deadline for r...

19Oct, 2022

This webinar is in Dutch. ECF Member Pro Velo, #EuroVelo's National Coordination Centre in Belgium is organising a webinar on the latest trends a...

19Oct, 2022

该网络研讨会是法文的。Eurovelo在比利时的Eurovelo国家协调中心的ECF成员Pro Velo正在组织最新趋势和K ...的网络研讨会。

19Oct, 2022

2022年11月21日,从14:30到16:30 CET,我们通过在线活动庆祝Eurovelo成立25周年。注册现已打开!从愿景的发射开始...


Often when we consider what makes a successful cycling city, it is not uncommon to end up ruminating over familiar hard-line ideas and solutions: state-of-the-a...ECF outlines the vital role that civil initiatives and soft measures play in creating a successful cycling city. We focus in on Cork Cycling Campaign to highlight good pr...

17Oct, 2022

It is with great pleasure that we announce that ECF Member – the Irish Cycling Advocacy Network, together with six other partner organisations, has r...European schools and cycling associations, including ECF Member and Biciclistas de Corella, an affiliate of ECF Member ConBici, receive funding from Erasmus+ t...

17Oct, 2022


17Oct, 2022

The 2022 edition of the UCI Mobility and Bike City Forum will take place on 27-28 October 2022 in Glasgow, Scotland, in partnership with the University of...

11Oct, 2022

Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress (TMWC), is an online and offline hub of news, knowledge and inspiration on sustainable urban mobility. TMWC22 is held with...

11Oct, 2022


10 Oct, 2022
