由InterReg North-West Europe资助的CHIPS项目(智能人员运输和空间规划的自行车公路创新已经3年...



26 Jun, 2019


17 Jun, 2019

ECFhosts a Metamorphosis stakeholders roundtable on June 19th from 10:00 to 14:00 focusing on how cities can become more children friend...


(图片来源:体育与公民身份)PACTE Project的主动教育研讨会于2019年2月21日在柏林举行,汇集了一个多样化的人...


In 2018, our Cities and Regions for Cyclists network grew considerably, and members were actively involved in the development of national cycling strategies, ne...

13 Dec, 2018

The European Commission has been working on proposals to update its 10 year old regulations on Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) and ECF has been pus...

20 Nov, 2018

The public health crisis Radical changes to mobility habits over the last 100 years in Europe has led to an increasingly widespread adoption of a sedentary life...

31 Oct, 2018



The Future Cycling conference kicked off the second half of its programme with a presentation from Pascal Smet, Minister of the Brussels-Capital Region, respons...


The World ITS Congress 2018 with the slogan “Quality of Life” takes place in Copenhagen, one of the world’s foremost cycling cities. The collaboration of the ci...

14 Sep, 2018

哥本哈根每天最多可容纳4.8万骑自行车的人路易斯桥。我们在Cycle Highway C95上重新访问Nørrebrogade,以检查交通信号灯如何...

10 Sep, 2018
