
FLOW joins forces with the TRACE project and invites you to a final interactive conference on 13-14th March 2018 in Brussels titled “Decongesting Europe: New ap...


Here’s a quick round up of items cycling around in the ECF health arena. The EU seeks your input on how to make cities healthier places to live with more walkin...


3月13日和14日,欧洲项目流动和跟踪组织了他们在布鲁塞尔举行的联合最终会议,名为“ Dec ...

13Feb, 2018


13Feb, 2018

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation has recently published two documents related to cities and urban development: The Pub...

11Jan, 2018

有毒的空气污染物,拥挤的街道,适应气候变化 - 这些是伦敦,布鲁塞尔和汉堡ID的代表的一些挑战...

22 Dec, 2017

At a two-day workshop in Brussels last week some of the worlds most advanced bike sharing cities came together with innovators in the bike sharing business...

27 Nov, 2017

The Horizon 2020 Programme is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020). Th...


During the months of September and October, ECF President Manfred Neun was invited to take part in various transport and mobility events in Asia, and we take th...




Even as far back as 2008 more than 70% of buses in the US had bike racks installed. In comparison, European efforts tend to be more limited covering only a few...


Leading experts from academics, consultancies, and city administration will teach you how they approach cycling in relation to sustainable mobility and climate...

09 Jun, 2017
